The #1 Question I Get Asked… Oct 09, 2023

Are you part of a book club? Make Beyond the Label your next book selection and invite Dr. Chris as a guest author! This is what one of Dr. Chris’s friends did and there were some wonderful and enlightening questions that come out of the book club meeting that she attended. It was...

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Am I “cured”? + IgG Food Testing Oct 09, 2023

Below is the fourth instalment of the series of questions from a book club meeting at which Dr. Chris was the guest author. Navigate back for part 3, and forward for part 5. What would you like to ask? Contact Dr Chris and bring  her to your next group meeting or book club!



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The Transformative Energy of Conversation Oct 05, 2023

Today is Bell Let’s Talk Day! The point of this annual mental health day is to mark the importance of discussing these issues and bringing them into the light. It’s all about transformation of energy from shame, blame, fault, and hiding, into courage, support, acceptance, and...

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How to Help Someone Who Is Struggling Oct 05, 2023

Are you part of a book club? Make Beyond the Label your next book selection and invite Dr. Chris as a guest author! This is what one of Dr. Chris’s friends did and there were some wonderful and enlightening questions that come out of the book club meeting that she attended. It was...

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Young People, Hormones, and Mental Health Oct 05, 2023

Below is the second instalment of the series of questions from a book club meeting at which Dr Chris was the guest author. Click here for part 1, and here for part 3. What would you like to ask? Contact Dr. Chris and bring  her to your next group meeting or book club!

1. Do...

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What Is It Like to Experience Mania? Oct 05, 2023

Are you part of a book club? Make Beyond the Label your next book selection and invite Dr. Chris, ND as a guest author! This is what one of Dr. Chris’s friends did and there were some wonderful and enlightening questions that come out of the book club meeting that she attended. It...

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New Year’s 2020: A reflection on the past decade Oct 05, 2023

New Years is another holiday that is often difficult for people. It’s the end of a year that might have been filled with mental health challenges (or other health challenges), loss of relationships and feelings of isolation.

Wherever you are – you are. Stay compassionate with...

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5 Tips to Finding your Passion Oct 05, 2023

Finding and expressing your passion in life is one of the keys to happiness. When you’re really in touch with your what fuels you, your life has more meaning and purpose.  For many, it can be hard to figure out what their passion is.

Passion is that activity that you don’t have...

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A Mother’s Guide To Baby Blues And Post Partum Depression Oct 05, 2023

Most women expect to adjust easily to the arrival of their new baby.  They anticipate they will feel tired, but they still expect to feel good about themselves, their babies and their families. When you have a history of mental health challenges, you often expect that things will be much...

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A Step in Forgiveness Oct 05, 2023

For many, a part of the healing puzzle includes our capacity to forgive – not only others, but ourselves as well. However, forgiveness is not always easy. Before you can get to forgiveness, you have to be willing to feel the painful experiences of the past and process them in the present...

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5 Causes of Depression in College Students Oct 05, 2023

College: it’s sometimes called “the best time in your life”. There’s new people, new situations, a huge variety of extra-curriculars to choose from, all while learning about yourself and the world… it is a time full of potential.

But it’s not always like the...

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International Self Care Day Oct 05, 2023

Happy International Self Care Day!

I want to take this opportunity to remind you to take some time out of your day just for you. Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed by the things we have to do or the people that we have to care for, that we don’t feel like we have time for ourselves. But...

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